is widely known to contain electric current (0.06mA), similar to humans and
other living bodies. It is also reported that tourmaline improves water quality, releases infrared rays and other effects. One
of the effects Acoustic Revive payed special attention to is that tourmaline releases
negative ions, which is the same ions released from the natural world.
This natural negative ion size is 1/10000 smaller compared with
negative ions produced electrically. Natural negative ions penetrate easier into the human body and other materials, compared with
electrically made negative ions.
Efficiency of releasing Negative Ions
ACOUSTIC REVIVE noticed that
tourmaline releases negative ions efficiently when reacting to light,
heat, vibration and other external stress. They succeeded to release
natural negative ions efficiently from tourmaline by using halogen lamp
rays and heat, and by using electric fans to distribute the convective
air. For the tourmaline catalyst, the Acoustic Revive RIO-5 II uses a
newly formulated ball which contains various ores to ensure the RIO-5
II releases the maximum amount of natural negative ions.
Average of 620 natural minus ion occurs in the
air of 1CC
Room Acoustics Improve
Place the RIO-5
II in your listing room. Once you switch it on, the natural negative
ions are released by the halogen lamp rays and heat. The ions will
purify the air in the room. The result is that sound waves travel within the
room better, yielding signficiant sound improvement!
Dramatic improvements to CD sound and
DVD Picture quality
feature is a significant product accomplishment, because by treating
CD's, CD-R's, SACD's and DVD's, it dramatically improves the sound and
picture quality. How to
use the RIO-5 II: Place the CD and DVD etc. on top of
RIO-5 II, and press the red button. This will run the electric fan for
14 seconds, which irradiate the surface with natural negative ion on to
the disc. The Acoustic Revive RIO-5 II not only releases negative ions,
it also emits infrared rays which works as a surface-active agent. This
improves transmissivity of the laser beam inside the CD player, which
leads to improved sound and picture quality. When using the RIO-5 II,
the S/N ratio and dynamic range should be improved. All instrument and
vocals should become vivid and fresher sounding. For Video (DVD,
BluRay) it provides excellent depth and excellent color contrast.