The HiFi Tuning fuses are either Type F (fast blow) or Type T (slow blow), and are available in two sizes:
250V Small - 5 X 20mm (.75") Pure silver wire. Pure Silver end-caps with intermediate copper plating layer, finished with pure Gold plating, and cryogenically treated
500V Large - 6 X 32mm (1.25") Pure silver wire. Brass end-caps, with intermediate pure Silver plating, followed by Copper plating layer, and finished with pure Gold plating, and cryogenically treated.
For best performance, the HiFi Tuning fuses should be installed one way, listened to, and then reversed the other way to determine the best sonic orientation.
Please check your cart very carfully before checking out, to ensure you are ordering the correct fuses. We cannot accept returns on fuses.
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