Contact Treatments
Furutech Nano Liquid Contact Enhancer
Furutech's "Nano Liquid" uses Squalene oil to suspend micro particles of pure gold and silver that measure no more than 8 Nanometers (a nanometer is ONE MILLIONTH of a meter). As far as contact enhancers go, Furutech's Nano Liquid is at the top of the heap, IMHO. Best used in line level applications (interconnects) and speaker cables, but may also be used for AC power contact enhancement. Each vial contains 2 ml of the product. For more information, please click here: NanoLiquid (.pdf)
SilClear Silver-loaded Contact Enhancer
The word is out! SilClear is the first silver-loaded contact enhancer optimized for superior performance in audio/visual systems. SilClear will significantly improve the sound (or video quality) of any interconnect, power cord, speaker cable, etc. The sonic improvements noted include remarkable increase in treble extension, transparency, detail and sparkle, without any added edginess. Bass sounds tighter, and less boomy. Attacks are noticeably quicker and punchier. Midrange timbres and harmonic details are articulated more clearly, yielding a more natural and intimate musicality. SilClear uses microscopically thin silver platelets (a millionth inch thin; 8 square feet of surface per gram!) to enhance the conductivity of electrical connectors. The unique binder for the silver platelets is an ultra-pure, low dielectric absorption, food-grade grease that minimizes signal loss/smearing. The thinnest possible coating lasts 10 to 20 unpluggings. Comes in a 7-gram jar (with applicator) that treats 1000+ connectors. Arguably one of the best new tweaks on the market.
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