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Synergistic Research UEF Pink Fuses

Synergistic Research pink Quantum Fuse

Synergistic Research UEF PINK Fuse Sizes:
Small - 5 X 20mm (.75")
Large - 6.3 X 32mm (1.25)
U.K. - 6.3 X 25.4mm (U.K. mains plugs)


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Synergistic Research routinely makes discoveries and seeks to improve the performance of SR products. When it’s time to develop something completely new, they engineer entirely new technologies capable of elevating each new SR product to an apex market position when compared to the market’s best products. Traditionally, SR launches a new state-of-the-art fuse every 24 months, as it typically takes two years to accumulate enough new technology to surpass an outgoing fuse significantly. But as 2023 was coming to an end, Synergistic Research had already rolled all new accumulated technologies into the new Master Fuse launched in February 2023, engineered and voiced to supercharge an otherwise Purple fuse loom. For this reason, Synergistic had nothing in reserve capable of warranting a replacement for the Purple fuse. So, it remained in the lineup as your main application fuse to be combined with a few Master Fuses in a state-of-the-art fuse loom until they could develop something fundamentally better; fast forward to after the Master Fuse launch, where S.R. learned a great deal during the development of the new Voodoo server, including an entirely new high voltage conditioning process perfect for a new generation fuse that would maintain the Purple Fuse’s musical warmth but with added resolution and dynamics, combined with enhanced musicality without sounding artificially warm or colored, with, or without, Master Fuses also in the mix. Fortunately, SR was also in the final stages of development for a new flagship product, slated to launch later this year, so it is still top secret, with a new UEF compound that proved perfect for the new Pink Fuse, giving it a lower noise floor when directly compared to the outgoing Purple fuse. And so, the new Pink Fuse is born albeit six months late, the child of Voodoo’s high voltage conditioning process, and a new UEF compound first developed for a yet-to-be-announced flagship product that will be, by far, the most expensive product in Synergistic Research’s 32-year history when it lands later in 2024.

As always, you are welcome to try the Synergistic Research UEF PINK Fuses in your system for 30-days risk-free and return them for a full refund (less shipping and PayPal fees, if you use that payment method), if you are not completely satisfied.

For best performance, fuses should be installed one way (with power flowing in direction of writing on fuse), listened to, and then reversed the other way to determine best sonic orientation. VH Audio recommends a brief re-evaluation of directionality AFTER the burn-in period of 300-400 hours, to verify the best direction for your listening preferences.

Please check your cart very carfully before checking out, to ensure you are ordering the correct fuse. We cannot accept returns on incorrectly ordered blown fuses, unless defective.


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