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synergistic Research Ethernet Switch

20% off B-stock (cosmetic blem) Synergistic Research Ethernet Switch UEF (1 units available)

synergistic Research Purple Fuse

30% off all IN-STOCK Synergistic Research Purple Fuses

Furutech Demag

20% Off Furutech Demaga

Furutech Destat III

20% Off Furutech DeStat III

50% off V-Cap TFTF series capacitors (discontinued)

50% off V-Cap OIMP series capacitors (discontinued)

synergistic Research Blue Fuse

30% off In-Stock Synergistic Research BLUE Fuses

synergistic Research sr20 Fuse

50% off In-Stock Synergistic Research SR20 Fuses

synergistic Research Orange Fuse

30% off In-Stock Synergistic Research ORANGE Fuses

Furutech GTO-D3 Power Strip

20% off Furutech GTO-D3 NCF Power Distributor

15% off the Furutech NCF Booster products

Get a package price on the Furutech GTX NCF AC Power Outlet, GTX Wall Frame, and new 105D NCF carbon fiber outlet cover for 20% off MSRP. Simply locate the package in the dropdown menu at this link, and the 20% discount will automatically be applied.

ETI Research Silver Bayonet Plugs at 50% off MSRP.

Most WBT Connectors are 20% off MSRP

Many other products are also on sale, but the prices are too low to advertise. Simply add to cart to see the sale prices.


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VH Audio offers "Everyday low pricing" on most of the products we offer. However, in some instances, the prices are so low, we cannot advertise these prices up-front, so you must add the item to your cart, and then click 'view cart' to see the discount applied.

We strive to have the deepest selection of IN-STOCK audiophile parts and accessories, with competitive prices and hassle-free shipping options. We understand that other companies may, from time to time, offer products at a slightly lower price. VH Audio has developed a new pricing policy in order to ensure "price" isn't the only factor, when you choose to do business with VH Audio.

Subject to the following terms, we will meet any advertised competitor pricing on new, identical, IN-STOCK products.

1) The advertised pricing must be in U.S dollars, and for the same quantity you order.
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To take advantage of our price matching policy, simply cut/paste the website URL of our competitor's pricing into the "special instructions" field of our online checkout form, and note which items are referred to in the ad. Continue to checkout normally, and we'll refund the difference to your credit card the next day (after credit card batch settles), or will refund to your PayPal account within one business day. If there is any discrepency subject to the terms above, you will be contacted before your order ships.

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Acoustic Revive
ETI Research
Environmental Potentials
HiFi Tuning
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Synergistic Research
VH Audio
WA Quantum
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AC Plug Adapters
AC Receptacles (Wall)
Bybee Purifiers
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Cables - Interconnects
Cables - Speaker
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HOT new products:
V-Cap Capacitors
Synergistic Research PINK Fuses
Synergistic Research MASTER Fuses

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