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ETI Research FR-TC07 & FS-08 (silver) RCA Sockets

ETI Research FS-08 RCA Sockets
Copper / Silver

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The Newest Female RCA Connector socket from ETI Research: The FR-TC07.

The new FR-TC07 female RCAS socket performs at the same trailblazing level as the legendary ETI Research Phonopod, but with some added benefits. High fidelity performance has been achieved with the ETI Research without giving into compromise. The ETI FR-TC07 RCA socket has an open and airy, coherent musical presentation that doesn't pull any 'meat off the bone', in doing do. The design has low self-inductance, is optimized to eliminate RF reflections, easy installation, and unfailing durability. Frequency bandwidth is also unparalleled.

Each pair is offered with RED and WHITE color code (1 piece each).

FC-TC07 Female RCA Exploded

Key design elements of the FC-TC07 RCA female socket are:

  • Lengths and masses of signal pin and return pin connections are optimized to maintain durability.
  • Low mass signal conductor is made from Pure Copper superior, extended bandwidth, better high-frequency response, and better sound.
  • Matched to the thinnest possible Tellurium Copper, the low mass ground outer shell is optimized to transmit the ground signal in a most optimal manner.
  • Curved Signal Conductors allow for user-friendly soldering, and a superior electrical connection
  • Non-magnetic, Brass Nut that offers exceptional vibration damping and excellent EMI/RF noise rejection. The nut screws onto a Polymer thread, so there is zero electrical contact with the Signal.  – no Nickel, no Brass, no Bronze – for extreme conductivity and the best signal transfer.

The new FR-TC07 female RCA socket performs at the same trailblazing level as the legendary ETI Research Phonopod, but with some added benefits. High fidelity performance has been achieved with the ETI Research without giving into compromise. The ETI FR-TC07 RCA socket has an open and airy, coherent musical presentation that doesn't pull any 'meat off the bone', in doing do. The design has low self-inductance, is optimized to eliminate RF reflections, easy installation, and unfailing durability. Frequency bandwidth is also unparalleled. Low mass and 75 ohm impedance, which makes suitable for SPDIF inputs/outputs! The contact point on the FR-TC07 is 1100 Copper with a gold-plated Tellurium Copper connection blade. The Return and Connection Blade is Gold Plated Tellurium Copper which is needed for the durability of years of reliability.

The FS-08 is essentially a SILVER version of the FR-TC07, with The contact point on the FS-08 is solid Silver with a silver-plated Tellurium Copper connection Blade. The Return and Connection Blade is Silver Plated Tellurium Copper which is needed for the durability of years of reliability. Priced per pair

Offered in PAIRS with RED and WHITE color code (1 piece each).


FC-TC07 Female RCA Diagram

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